Learn to
to learn.
-Minor Daniels











Helpful Resources for our TEACHERS!

Below is a list of links and documents for teachers at Minor Daniels Academy.


Daily Progress Sheets High

Daily Progress Sheets Middle

This sheet is used to monitor behavior data for students individually. Updated progress is emailed to Advisors weekly.

Weekly Progress SMART GOAL Packet

This sheet is used to relay individual data to students on attendance, behavior and academic progress.

Supplies Order Request Form

Fill out this form and return to Ms. Wallace in order to begin the process of obtaining new supplies for your classroom.

Bell Schedule

High School Only

Edgenuity Item Unlock/Redo Form

To use in the classroom as a way to monitor redos and retakes.


Edgenuity for Educators

Portal entry for the online learning platform Edenuity for all MDA teachers.

Transition Center ShareSite

JCPS sharesite dedicated to sharing resources for transition teachers.
Link to the Professional Development site for JCPS.

Infinite Campus

Attendance, grades for JCPS schools.


Based on state standards, the maps contain learning targets sequentially progressing from Primary through grade 12.  
CASCADE Enter students scores from assessments based on Core Content, and receive detailed analysis of classroom progress.
Support Portal (JCPS) This is the district portal formerly know as HEAT for district issues.
In-Class Tech Help Ticket Fill this form out for in-class tech needs that our STC (McCoy) can assist with in a timely manner.
Student IDs Gain access to your students IDs in order to log onto the network and Edgenuity. *Remember that Edgenuity IDs contain the * at the end of the name.