Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is launching its “Vaping Equals” campaign in an effort to end the use of vaping and e-cigarette devices among young people. The campaign will educate and engage middle and high school students in their health classes, throughout their schools, and via online resources. The campaign name, Vaping Equals, is an intentionally incomplete sentence. What does vaping equal? We want students to ask themselves this question and find straightforward answers in their learning environments through skills-based health lessons, a poster series, and 

smokey background with text "vaping equals toxic cancer-causing chemicals, aerosol + propylene glycol + formaldehyd + acrolein + micotine + flavorings + Heavy metals"

What Does Vaping Equal

Vaping equals:

Vaping and e-cigarette use add up to more serious consequences than students or families may know. With millions of middle- and high school-age students using e-cigarettes, we must collectively take action to end vaping by making these realities known and being vigilant. As students throughout the United States and throughout our community are inhaling the vapors from e-cigarettes, they also inhale addictive nicotine at a time when their adolescent brains are more developmentally sensitive to addiction. Vaping devices and e-cigarettes may also contain THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and potentially unsafe levels of chemicals like lead, manganese, chromium, and/or nickel.

Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), a smoke-free public school district, is calling on families, educators, and students to work together to end vaping. Find out how you can be involved by clicking each tab.

Click here for works cited.

cigarette stubed out background with text "vaping equals 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine in one juul pod"


The best tool for parents and families to help prevent students from smoking is awareness of the terms that students are using, the appearance of the devices and an understanding of the addictive properties of nicotine.

smokey background with text "vaping equals a nicotine addition as hard to quit as heroin"


Smoking of any kind is prohibited at all JCPS schools. School administrators and teachers are empowered to confiscate any smoking devices, including conventional and e-cigarettes, that are seen in use or exposed on school property.

Consider hosting information sessions for students and parents at your school.

smokey background with text "vaping equals risky roulette with potentially exploding e-cigs"


In addition to refusing any offers to smoke, students are urged to be an agent of change and share the dangerous realities of smoking, including vaping or e-cigarette use, with their peers. Students can do this by:

If you are a student or friend of a student who needs help quitting smoking, call (800) QUIT-NOW. These age-appropriate services are available at no cost to participants age 15 or older.

hands holding vaping pipe in background with text "vaping equals irreversible lung and brain damage"